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Showing posts from January, 2018

Its a 3 peat

                  This final project is 3 rings that are a sun, moon and star. This process was very time consuming because it was 3 pieces that involve alot of sanding and soldering. Sadly, at the end of this project, my last piece completely fell apart and I didn't have time to put any of it back. I did enjoy making the Sun because it turned out the best and it wasn't super easy or hard. I learned that I need to really focus on etching more because alot of the time it turns out sloppy. I challenged myself with small etchings because I think it makes stuff look alot better. I think the Sun turned out well, but I thought the star and of course the destroyed moon would've made this project a success

Creature rivet perfection

          This riveted piece took alot of work sawing and etching. This involves lots of fine details with the hair on the creature and the teeth in its mouth. Riveting was the most interesting part because I've never done it before and it was very different. The main challenge with this piece was lining up the holes right so the rivet pieces could fit through all 3 layers. One thing I liked was sanding and patina because its easy and it looks nice. I learned some things that would make riveting easier the next time I do it. I could've done the hole drilling better which would make the rivets cleaner and better looking.